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Charles City, VA
Peace Hill Press is a small press specializing in educational materials for classical education.
East Hampton, NY
Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency submission guidelines and market information
Del Mar, CA
Piano Press publishes music-related books, coloring books, and materials for music teachers and students.
London, UK
Piatkus Books, an imprint of Little, Brown, publishes fiction and non-fiction books.
London, UK
Piccadilly Press is an independent publisher of children's and young adult books.
Washington, DC
Platypus Media is an independent publisher of resources for families, teachers and parenting professionals.
Chicago, IL
Price World Publishing produces non-fiction books on sports and fitness.
Pinceton, NJ
Princeton University Press is an independent publisher with a mission to "disseminate scholarship (through print and digital media) both within academia and to society at large."
Vancouver, BC, Canada
PRISM international submission guidelines and market information
San Francisco, CA
Pureplay Press, founded in 2001, publishes books of fiction, history, poetry, politics and culture, with an emphasis on Cuban history and culture.
Beverly, MA
Quarry Books publishes high-end, illustrated reference books on art and lifestyle topics.
United Kingdom
Radcliffe Publishing produces books and educational resources for healthcare professionals.
Markham, Ontario, Canada
Red Press publishes children's picture books, contemporary juvenile and young adult fiction, history and biography.
Boston, MA
Founded in 1983, the Rees Literary Agency represents the following genres: literary and commercial fiction, memoirs, history, biography, business, self-help, psychology, and science.
Englewood, NJ
Renaissance House specializes in educational programs and supplemental materials, children's books and bilingual (Spanish/English) books.
Mission Viejo, CA
REPTILES is a monthly magazine for reptile and amphibian care and breeding.
New York, NY
Richard Henshaw Group submission guidelines and market information
New York, NY
Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency submission guidelines and market information
New York, NY
Riverhead Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), is a publisher of literary fiction and non-fiction. Riverhead Books titles have received Pulitzer Prizes, National Book Critic Circle Awards, and other honors.
New York, NY
RLR Associates, Ltd. submission guidelines and market information