TRENDING HASHTAG: #negative book review

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  • Patricia Ross
    Patricia Ross posted a new article:
    • March 2, 2015
    • Patricia Ross
      Amethyst Creek Your advice is very good. I have found that with romance novels, some readers strongly dislike sex scenes while others are disappointed if they are not included. You please some readers and upset others. Yikes!
    • Patricia Ross
      Kathleen Rueb The review should be impartial and it should discuss all the pros and con critically. So, it would be better to refer as much as available reviews in order to get a proper idea about a book or any other services. Above all, the review would be changed...  more
    • Patricia Ross
      Patricia Ross Hi Amethyst - Yes, I think every genre must have to face that because you definitely can't please everyone all the time. I think as the author you must have to filter out the people who simply don't like it based on that kind of criteria, versus those...  more
    • Patricia Ross
      Patricia Ross Hi Kathleen, Sure, I bet we'd all love the reviews to be impartial. Seems the general public has other ideas about what they want to include in their book reviews.